and now for something completely different


Anonymous said…
Wow my dear, nothing to do with your other blog! Nice Martina!
Martina said…
Thanks Serge! Yes, this was my first not so bad macro. I always wanted to do macro photography. I bought a macro lens. Then I learned that insects are only motionless and quiet in the early morning hours. You have to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning to take good macro photos of insects and the like. Now I prefer to take macro shots of inanimated objects, ;-).
-me said…
M - what a great, startling photo.
Martina said…
-me, it's one of these small spiders, 1cm in length perhaps, you know, the ones that are everywhere but are so small you seldom realise them. Before taking this photo I didn't know they are so beautiful.
AB said…
So furry and cuddly!
Martina said…
AB, yessssss - and these shiny pearly eyes!