A gargoyle for -me


diane b said…
Lots of imaginative photos on your blog.
Martina said…
diane, thank you very much. This is more a "duh, what I should do with this photo"-blog.

Am I right, you are the one with the Swiss railway buff as husband? First thing I remembered when reading Elizabeth's post today was my experience with narrow gauge in Switzerland - the "Autoverlad Vereina": Frightening! Scary! Alarming! I'll see if I find a photo ....
-me said…
Hi - I am so very honored. A gargoyle for -me! I want you to know that there is not one gargoyle in my town - not a one. So I shall treasure this one always.
Martina said…
-me, someone around here has a gargoyle on the top of his garage, I must try to take a photo sometime. Imagine a long row of garages, five or six or seven, and a gargoyle on top of one of them. Surreal.