2 x 0,5 = One hour walk. 3°C. Very very very cold. Sunny. Ginsheim - Gustavsburg.


Martina said…
Thank you very much!

I was not that happy with how the smartphone processed the photos. Colours too colourful. Sharpness too sharp.

A smartphone in an evil slideritis mode.

But looks nice in b/w at the end.
James Weekes said…
Once again your genius for animal portraits shines through!
Martina said…
"Genius" :-D

I really do love animals and perhaps this shines through. Though I don't think these swans love me - having no bread for them.
James Weekes said…
Swans don’t love anybody. We lived on Oyster Bay, N Y when I was young and a big one tried to drive me into the water once. They are very strong.